Spell Singing Rank 1

Spell Singing Rank 1
List: Spell Singer
Cost: 4
Prereqs: Spell Singer, 3 Spell Singing Points, level 5
Skill Type: Arcane
Tagged: No
Purchase: Once
Duration: Constant

Spell Singing is a form of magic utilizing the characters Voice and their connection to The Song.

There is no standard verbal for spell songs beyond a minimum syllable count per rank, 15 for rank 1 and +5 for each additional rank. Therefore a Rank 5 spell song would have 35 syllables.

All Spell Singing spells take effect at the end of the song. Some songs must be continuously sung in order to maintain the effect. Should the Spell Singer be forced to stop singing or take any damage when casting or maintaining the effect, the spell ends. The Spell Singer may move, fight, take or use defensive or offensive actions or skills while maintaining their songs. The player may stop singing to call out-of-game effects or invoke spells, call martial defenses, or use abilities that do not require an in-game verbal. However the Spell Singer must sing enough of their song that it is clear to everyone they are still singing.

Spell Songs will not bypass wards or circles or affect a character protected by a Magic Sanctuary or Imprisonment spell. Further, the Spell Singer cannot affect anyone else while inside a Magic Sanctuary spell or anyone outside a ward or circle they are in.

The Dispel Magic and Sever Magic spells work on Spell Singing same as with low magic spells.

All Spell songs affect their targets without the need to hit them with a spell packet. The Spell Singer needs Unobstructed Line of Sight to affect their target. Additionally the character needs to be able to see their target when they start and finish their song and the target must be able to hear the song. If a character is running past some trees while the song is sung, they are still affected, but should they run behind a building, out of line of sight, or behind some semi-transparent obstacle, the song fails and the Spell Singing Points are still expended.

The target player must be able to hear the song, if the character is deaf – either naturally or because they have caused themselves to be deaf – the song still takes effect. Deafness is not a defense. If the player fails to hear the song because their attention is otherwise occupied elsewhere they are still affected by the song, however, if the player is far enough away or the Spell Singer not loud enough to reach the player the song fails. As a general rule, if there is someone else near the target that heard the song, the spell will take affect.

This info and more can be found under the Spell Singer section of Chapter 4: Advanced Classes in the Rulebook.


Rank 1:

Spell Verbal: 15 Syllables in Length


  • Will’o’Wisp       0 Spell Singing Points       Special
    • This song summons a small, non-combative lesser Will’o’Wisp that will help to light the way for the singer. Combat of any kind near the Will’o’Wisp will frighten it away. Similarly, the Will’o’Wisp will not fly away from the singer to investigate anything. The Will’o’Wisp cannot speak or communicate with anyone in any way and will not go with anyone else.
    • To represent the light shed by the Will’o’Wisp, the singer should use a small flash light.
  • Feat of Heroes       2 Spell Singing Points       Latent
    • When invoked, this spell grants the character a temporary +3 Strength Bonus, Non-Combinable allowing the character to add +3 to the weapon damage of their next attack, or to perform one act of giant strength for no longer than 15 seconds. If the character normally calls “Two Damage” when they hit, if they invoke a Feat of Heroes they would call “Five Damage”. If the character fails to hit, they do not use up the Feat of Heroes spell.
    • This song can be combined with a normal Giant Strength spell and other Strength Bonuses.
    • The player must call “Feat of Heroes” when invoking this spell
  • Heal      1 Spell Singing Point per 2 Body Points, Variable         Instant
    • By means of this song the Spell Singer is able to heal a character that has lost Body Points, is Bleeding to Death, or Unconscious. It has no effect on a character that is Mortally Wounded or on the Brink of Death. The Spell Singer spends 1 Spell Singing Point per 2 Body Points of healing and can spend as many Spell Singing Points as they wish up to the current number they have.
    • Note, this spell is not from the element of life and will heal undead, demons, elementals, and even Golems.
  • Confusion       3 Spell Singing Points        While Sung
    • One character targeted by this charm song will become confused and disoriented while the Spell Singer continues to sing their song. The target may not do anything except stagger around for the duration of this song. They may not fight, flee, cast spells, call latent spell defenses or invoke magic items. This effect ends if the target character takes any damage or if the caster stops singing or is interrupted.
  • Inspire       3 Spell Singing Points        Latent, 10 Minutes
    • This song will give the recipient a +1 Damage Bonus for 10 minutes. This song is latent and can be invoked any time until the end of the current Event.


Spell Singing Rank 2
Spell Singing Rank 3
Spell Singing Rank 4
Spell Singing Rank 5

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